66194 - 01:38 - Box Station - Revolution - win
- game.taucetistation.org:2506
Capture, convert or exile from station Roy Walker, the Head of Security. Assassinate if you have no choice. HALF
Capture, convert or exile from station Brett Milne, the Chief Engineer. Assassinate if you have no choice. SUCCESS
Capture, convert or exile from station Dallas James, the Captain. Assassinate if you have no choice. SUCCESS
- Head Revolutionary
- Gavin Murray
Всего ТК - 24
Потрачено ТК - 18
Предмет |
Стоимость |
Surplus Armor Set |
1 |
Stechkin Pistol |
5 |
Stechkin Pistol |
5 |
Stechkin Pistol |
5 |
9mm Handgun Magazine |
1 |
9mm Handgun Magazine |
1 |
- Head Revolutionary
- Braiden Osteen
Всего ТК - 24
Потрачено ТК - 24
Предмет |
Стоимость |
Stechkin Pistol |
5 |
Stechkin Pistol |
5 |
Stechkin Pistol |
5 |
Stechkin Pistol |
5 |
Surplus Armor Set |
1 |
Surplus Armor Set |
1 |
Surplus Armor Set |
1 |
Revolutionary Posters |
1 |
- Revolutionary
- Kyle Mayers
- Revolutionary
- Maxwell Reighner
- Revolutionary
- Ra'arsh Jar'shir
- Revolutionary
- Noah Rockwell
- Revolutionary
- Loreto Thomlinson
- Revolutionary
- Artem Grishanov
Cult Of Blood
Должно дожить не менее 6 последователей до конца этой смены. FAIL
Захватите не менее 5 отсеков станции с помощью руны захвата зон. SUCCESS
Заполучите 12 человек в подчинение культа, живыми или мёртвыми. SUCCESS
Убедитесь, что хотя бы 3 культиста улетят живыми на шаттле, чтобы продолжить исследования на других станциях. FAIL
- Cultist
- Artem Grishanov
- Cultist
- Friedrich Von Brandenburg
- Cultist
- Loreto Thomlinson
Blob Conglomerate
We must grow and expand. Fill this station with our spores. Cover 500 station tiles. FAIL
Emergency Response Team
1. Повязать ГСБ и доставить живым на ЦК. 2. Эвакуировать экипаж. 3. Восстановить порядок на станции. SUCCESS
- Emergency Responder
- Aboba
Имя |
Профессия |
Роль |
Damian Cherry |
Assistant |
Max Russell |
Quartermaster |
Maxwell Reighner |
Shaft Miner |
Cultist |
Oswald Khan |
Recycler |
Kai Henstone |
Assistant |
Cultist |
XSI-491 |
Cyborg |
Francisco Kelly |
Assistant |
Loreto Thomlinson |
Security Officer |
Cultist |
Vladimir Kazak |
Security Officer |
Daniella Vincent |
Warden |
Trent Clarke |
Medical Intern |
Cultist |
Ronald Ward |
Assistant |
Russell Wallick |
Assistant |
Kirill Kvasha |
Security Officer |
Brett Milne |
Chief Engineer |
Ka'Sherr Morrk'Ish |
Station Engineer |
Dallas James |
Captain |
Sigma |
Emergency Responder |
Bravo |
Emergency Responder |
Aboba |
Emergency Responder |
Smoke Sholl |
Security Officer |
Melvin Brandenburg |
Recycler |
Friedrich Von Brandenburg |
Internal Affairs Agent |
Cultist |
Brenfeldolf Wolf |
Chaplain |
Tom Polarz |
Security Cadet |
Gavin Murray |
Assistant |
Cultist |
Cameron Wilo |
Janitor |
Grego Sanitar |
Technical Assistant |
Maverik De-Mentis |
Xenobiologist |
Revolutionary |
Marta Artcis |
Detective |
Isaiah Vader |
Chief Medical Officer |
Cultist |
Artem Grishanov |
Scientist |
Cultist |
Noah Rockwell |
Station Engineer |
Revolutionary |
Kyle Mayers |
Technical Assistant |
Cultist |
Vincent Rahl |
Chef |
Ra'arsh Jar'shir |
Station Engineer |
Revolutionary |
Cyborg |
Braiden Osteen |
Assistant |
Cultist |
Ylaya Shioya |
Chemist |
Ruben Greenawalt |
Assistant |
Revolutionary |
Porter Focell |
Xenoarchaeologist |
M.E.O.W. |
AI |
Irvine White |
Station Engineer |
Cultist |
Gannon Davis |
Security Officer |
Sivean Doulson |
Shaft Miner |
Malika Dja'mka |
Paramedic |
Maar'Shal Twu'Masi |
Botanist |
Laura Elliott |
Medical Doctor |
Roy Walker |
Head of Security |
Nicole Johnson |
Roboticist |
Ivan Huga |
Mime |
Cultist |
Jianping Xu |
Assistant |
Gennady Whiteman |
Blueshield Officer |