65963 - 01:45 - Box Station - Cult Of Blood - lose - game.taucetistation.org:2506
Cult Of Blood
  • Убедитесь, что хотя бы 2 культиста улетят живыми на шаттле, чтобы продолжить исследования на других станциях. FAIL
  • Захватите не менее 4 отсеков станции с помощью руны захвата зон. SUCCESS
  • Призовите Нар-Си с помощью ритуала с пьедесталами на станции. FAIL
  • Культ нуждается в 1 последователе, являющемся Assistant. SUCCESS
  • Cultist
  • Philip Kindred
  • izfer
  • Cultist
  • Antagonist
  • fasy

    • Traitor
    • Alexander Newbern
    • reditt
    • Steal a piece of Ian's meat. FAIL
    • Sabotage the R&D servers and systems. Insert the diskette you were given into the R&D Server Controller to complete the objective. SUCCESS
    • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. SUCCESS
    • Всего ТК - 20
    • Потрачено ТК - 1
    Предмет Стоимость
    Full Syndicate Toolbox 1

Имя Профессия Роль
Kristopher Anderson Assistant Cultist
Amaya Koster Station Engineer
Joseph Dreyfus Security Cadet
Marty Alencar Cargo Technician Cultist
John Anderson Internal Affairs Agent
Bidelia Camp Research Assistant
Philip Kindred Technical Assistant Cultist
George Gray Captain
Antagonist Mime Cultist
Kennard Whirlow Janitor Cultist
Rikitati Medical Doctor
Siras Ris'ar Station Engineer
S.P.U.n Assistant
Violet Weisgarber Security Officer
Kate Thompson Detective Cultist
Makayla Uniot Security Cadet
Korzhik AI
Lim Al-Kuds Assistant
Tkihiyaki Scientist
Maxwell Reighner Shaft Miner
Dalton Moore Assistant Cultist
Johny Styles Security Cadet
Nana Hanagoori Assistant
Alec Shaner Security Officer
Rastus Ann Cyborg
Curly Mens Chief Medical Officer
Alexandra Pavlova Head of Personnel
Basia Belova Cyborg
Kai Henstone Assistant Cultist
Derreck Milne Paramedic
Grego Sanitar Paramedic
Roselia Scientist
Jonny Red Forensic Technician Cultist
Alexander Morozov Medical Doctor Cultist
Ylaya Shioya Chemist
Artem Vorobyov Head of Security
Edgar Marcotte Roboticist
Whitney Grant Security Officer
Neya Brey Medical Doctor
Dakota Collins Atmospheric Technician
Judith Xenoarchaeologist
Janis Firsovs Xenoarchaeologist
Alexander Newbern Assistant Traitor
B.Y.O.N.D. Station Engineer
Marinad Howard Station Engineer
Deimfords Kendesand Blueshield Officer
Marcus Knapp Assistant
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Maxwell Reighner Shaft Miner 00:46 0 0 60 140.333 0
Derreck Milne Paramedic 00:58 22 0 0 181 0
Alec Shaner Security Officer 01:10 131 82.6 0 17.3333 0
Marty Alencar Cargo Technician Cultist 01:12 0 156 0 46.3334 0
Alec Shaner Security Officer 01:17 60 91.6 0 17.3333 70
Jonny Red Forensic Technician Cultist 01:17 0 262 0 3.66667 70
Kristopher Anderson Assistant Cultist 01:19 124.5 38.8 0 36.7 0
Philip Kindred Technical Assistant Cultist 01:22 18.8 165 0 22.6667 0
Makayla Uniot Security Cadet 01:25 2.6 222 0 23.3333 0
Whitney Grant Security Officer 01:26 0 155.9 0 46 0
Antagonist Mime Cultist 01:26 29 186.3 0 34.3333 0
Alexander Morozov Medical Doctor Cultist 01:30 137 80 0 4.33333 20
Joseph Dreyfus Security Cadet 01:31 175.5 0 0 33.6667 0
Johny Styles Security Cadet 01:32 180.4 0 3 19.6667 0
Kate Thompson Detective Cultist 01:32 0 225 0 56.3333 0
Joseph Dreyfus Security Cadet 01:36 221.6 0.5 0 33.6667 0
Kai Henstone Assistant Cultist 01:37 0 197.4 0 22.6841 0
Johny Styles Security Cadet 01:37 267.1 0 3 19.6667 20
Marty Alencar Cargo Technician Cultist 01:42 21 250 3 16.6667 0