65919 - 01:42 - Box Station - Wizard - lose - game.taucetistation.org:2506
Wizard Federation
    • Wizard
    • Shaman
    • sivean
    • Assassinate Vincent Rahl, the Blueshield Officer. FAIL
    • Stay alive until the end. FAIL

    • Steal a functional AI. FAIL
    • Steal a Research Director's teleport armor. FAIL
    • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. FAIL
    • Всего ТК - 20
    • Потрачено ТК - 16
    Предмет Стоимость
    TR-8-R Revolver 8
    Speedloader-.357 2
    Cryptographic Sequencer 6

Имя Профессия Роль
M'ark M'rshan Medical Doctor
Nana Hanagoori Medical Doctor
Caleb Garneys Assistant
Lim Al-Kuds Assistant
Talon Northey Assistant
Shaman MODE Wizard
S.P.U.n Assistant Traitor
Eustace Starlock Assistant
Alice White Medical Doctor
Vincent Rahl Blueshield Officer
Derreck Milne Paramedic
Tkihiyaki Recycler
Shassu Lishussu Research Assistant
Ashlynn Gardner Research Director
Laura Elliott Station Engineer
Gannon Davis Captain
Marcus Knapp Head of Security
Aurora Rhinehart Assistant
Jonathon Eliza Assistant
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Jeanna Osterweis default 00:42 170.2 0 0 30.6667 0
Vincent Rahl Blueshield Officer 00:56 0 0 0 0 0
Derreck Milne Paramedic 00:58 0 200 0 23.3333 0
Shaman MODE Wizard 01:08 0 144 0 57.6667 0
Derreck Milne Paramedic 01:29 0 100 10 0 70