65785 - 00:20 - Box Station - Traitor - lose - game.taucetistation.org:2506
    • Traitor
    • Vladimir Kazak
    • vovantys
    • Steal a functional AI. FAIL
    • Steal a piece of Ian's meat. SUCCESS
    • Sabotage the R&D servers and systems. Insert the diskette you were given into the R&D Server Controller to complete the objective. SUCCESS
    • Stay alive until the end. SUCCESS
    • Всего ТК - 20
    • Потрачено ТК - 12
    Предмет Стоимость
    Cryptographic Sequencer 6
    Bag of C-4 explosives 4
    Composition C-4 1
    Composition C-4 1

Имя Профессия Роль
Derreck Milne Paramedic
Vladimir Kazak Detective Traitor
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN