65140 - 01:41 - Box Station - Extended - win - game.taucetistation.org:2506
Changeling Hivemind
    • Absorb 2 compatible genomes. FAIL
    • Assassinate Duncan Longhorn, the Assistant. SUCCESS
    • Steal a hand teleporter. FAIL
    • Stay alive until the end. FAIL

Vox Shoal
  • We are lacking in hardware. Steal four emitters. FAIL
  • The Shoal has a need for Lain Mayer, the Medical Doctor. Take them alive. FAIL
  • Ransack the station and escape with 150 metal. FAIL
  • Do not leave any Vox behind, alive or dead. FAIL
  • Follow the Inviolate. Minimise death and loss of resources. SUCCESS

Space Traders
  • Заработать 20000 кредитов. В конце смены они должны находиться на вашем счёте. FAIL
  • Достать и притащить на наш шаттл ручной телепортер и раздатчик атмосферных труб. FAIL
  • Живыми улететь на своём шаттле со станции. FAIL
    • Space Trader
    • Raymond Matthews
    • altdero
  • Space Trader
  • Shurukh Todd
  • pufikc

Cult Of Blood

Имя Профессия Роль
Trip Beck Assistant
Homer Himmler Botanist
Goodwin Rockwell Bartender
Entara Venlima Paramedic
Lavr Chibisov Shaft Miner
Corey Newbern Station Engineer
Artem Petrovicx Assistant
Farce Mime
Ivan Mudkin Security Officer
Shassu Lishussu Station Engineer
Adam Kadzi Detective
Duncan Longhorn Assistant
Sophia Gray Chief Engineer
Maya Campbell Medical Doctor
Lain Mayer Medical Doctor
Komarik Clown Changeling
Kelvin Moore Xenobiologist
Jester Dick Scientist
Esther Valencia Chaplain
Jesus Exery Assistant
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Artem Petrovicx Assistant 01:41 201.6 0 0 0.666667 0
Komarik Clown Changeling 00:18 35.2 0 0 55 0
Komarik Clown Changeling 00:33 373.8 0 36 200 70
Dustin Wilkerson default 00:42 100 0 0 101.333 0
Sloan Prechtl default 00:46 5.6 0 57 141 0
Lain Mayer Medical Doctor 01:37 186.1 0 0 20.3333 0
Duncan Longhorn Assistant 01:40 43.6 0 0 21 0
Homer Himmler Botanist 01:40 0 0 0 0 0