64446 - 01:43 - Box Station - Cult Of Blood - lose - game.taucetistation.org:2506
Cult Of Blood
  • Призовите Нар-Си с помощью ритуала с пьедесталами на станции. SUCCESS
  • Захватите не менее 4 отсеков станции с помощью руны захвата зон. SUCCESS
  • Должно дожить не менее 5 последователей до конца этой смены. SUCCESS
  • Убедитесь, что хотя бы 2 культиста улетят живыми на шаттле, чтобы продолжить исследования на других станциях. FAIL
  • Cultist
  • homunculus of Dark One IX
  • westnow
  • Cultist
  • homunculus of Nar-Sie VII
  • wata14

    • Steal a Research Director's teleport armor. SUCCESS
    • Stay alive until the end. SUCCESS
    • Всего ТК - 20
    • Потрачено ТК - 14
    Предмет Стоимость
    Cryptographic Sequencer 6
    TR-8-R Revolver 8
  • Traitor
  • Christopher Florence
  • riverz
  • Assassinate Alexandria DeVelento, the Captain. FAIL
  • Assassinate Grego Sanitar, the Security Officer. SUCCESS
  • Stay alive until the end. SUCCESS
  • Всего ТК - 20
  • Потрачено ТК - 20
Предмет Стоимость
Box of Throwing Weapons (33% off!) 4
TR-8-R Revolver 8
Adrenaline Implant 6
Speedloader-.357 2

Имя Профессия Роль
Dmitriy Tyapkokrylkin Security Officer
Francisco Kelly Chef Cultist
Hans Schmidt Station Engineer
Duncan Longhorn Assistant Cultist
Conner Garland Station Engineer
Roy Walker Quartermaster Cultist
Morik Salicov Security Cadet
Marcus Knapp Security Officer
Isaiah Vader Medical Doctor Cultist
Michael Bowchiew Warden
Roger Fitzgerald Station Engineer Cultist
Reuben Shafer Station Engineer
Linton Simmons Chief Engineer Cultist
Alexandria DeVelento Captain
Max Russell Research Director
Kira Ryunosuke Technical Assistant
Alice White Assistant
Ra'sir Saris Security Officer
Easton Paynter Cyborg
John Nolan Head of Security
Harry David Medical Doctor Cultist
Christopher Florence Chef Traitor
Zed Murray Security Officer
Grego Sanitar Security Officer
Ra'arsh Jar'shir Station Engineer
John Luckasov Janitor
Kyle Mayers Assistant Cultist
Alice White Assistant
Cocker Clown Traitor
Benjamin Johnson Bartender
Olen Oppenheimer Chemist
Ahir Kimple Paramedic
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Linton Simmons Chief Engineer Cultist 00:55 8.7 193.6 0 20.3333 0
Isaiah Vader Medical Doctor Cultist 00:55 0 338.8 0 3.66667 20
Duncan Longhorn Assistant Cultist 00:56 121.8 90 0 0.666667 0
Kyle Mayers Assistant Cultist 00:56 98.4 216.8 3 5.66667 0
Roy Walker Quartermaster Cultist 00:56 250 0 1 1.33333 70
Roger Fitzgerald Station Engineer Cultist 00:56 41.3 222.4 0 3.66667 0
Francisco Kelly Chef Cultist 01:16 0 0 0 0 0
Hans Schmidt Station Engineer 01:19 0 169.5 0 33.9251 0
Hans Schmidt Station Engineer 01:25 0 600.1 0 25.5917 47.2622
Michael Bowchiew Warden 01:41 66.5 131.2 0 5.66667 20
maintenance drone (724) Cyborg 01:41 0 0 0 0 0
Grego Sanitar Security Officer 01:41 0 0 0 0 0
John Luckasov Janitor 01:41 52.5 131 0 18.6667 0