63309 - 01:40 - Box Station - Revolution - lose - game.taucetistation.org:2506
  • Capture, convert or exile from station Richard White, the Head of Security. Assassinate if you have no choice. FAIL
  • Capture, convert or exile from station Willy Jackson, the Research Director. Assassinate if you have no choice. FAIL
  • Capture, convert or exile from station Harry David, the Head of Personnel. Assassinate if you have no choice. HALF
  • Capture, convert or exile from station Jesus Exery, the Chief Medical Officer. Assassinate if you have no choice. SUCCESS
  • Capture, convert or exile from station Linton Simmons, the Chief Engineer. Assassinate if you have no choice. HALF
  • Capture, convert or exile from station Maria Podolski, the Captain. Assassinate if you have no choice. SUCCESS
    • Head Revolutionary
    • Victor Guzlenok
    • dezlt
    • Всего ТК - 27
    • Потрачено ТК - 18
    Предмет Стоимость
    Surplus Armor Set 1
    Surplus Armor Set 1
    A74U Assault Rifle 12
    A74U Magazine 2
    A74U Magazine 2
  • Head Revolutionary
  • Vinny Wheeler
  • yot90
  • Всего ТК - 1
  • Потрачено ТК - 0
  • Revolutionary
  • Linton Simmons
  • westnow
  • Revolutionary
  • S'shaar Jashva
  • hans32

Имя Профессия Роль
Judite Vickqmare Medical Intern Revolutionary
Richard White Head of Security
John Anderson Internal Affairs Agent
Willy Jackson Research Director
Raymond Gronko Recycler
Harry David Head of Personnel
Calvin Wilson Assistant
Grigory Menshik Blueshield Officer
Jesus Exery Chief Medical Officer Revolutionary
Victor Guzlenok Station Engineer Head Revolutionary
Vinny Wheeler Scientist Head Revolutionary
Ebba Laplus Security Officer
Tener Kobin Chemist
Azar Medison Cyborg
Derreck Milne Paramedic Revolutionary
Lim Al-Kuds Assistant
Porter Focell Xenoarchaeologist
Gusin Borov Shaft Miner
Linton Simmons Chief Engineer Revolutionary
Tragedy Mime Revolutionary
Nami Riptide Janitor
S'shaar Jashva Station Engineer Revolutionary
Valeriy Milev Scientist
Ty McDonald Scientist
Maria Podolski Captain
Venyamin Benistro Security Officer
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Vinny Wheeler Scientist Head Revolutionary 00:07 0 0 0 0 0
Tragedy Mime Revolutionary 00:38 147.9 77.9 3 5.66667 0
Valeriy Milev Scientist 00:40 0 192 0 8.66667 0
Harry David Head of Personnel 00:53 0 192 0 22.6667 0
Maria Podolski Captain 00:54 20 200 0 0.666667 70
Grigory Menshik Blueshield Officer 00:54 110.6 80 0 13 0
Victor Guzlenok Station Engineer Head Revolutionary 00:54 178.7 0 5 22.6667 70
Grigory Menshik Blueshield Officer 00:56 126.4 99.7 3 4 10.3289
Grigory Menshik Blueshield Officer 00:57 126.4 99.4 6 4 10.3289
Harry David Head of Personnel 00:59 23.1 167.6 0 14.3333 49.9734
Harry David Head of Personnel 01:02 27.1 166.6 0 11 49.9734
Linton Simmons Chief Engineer Revolutionary 01:03 169.8 0 2 41.6667 0
Harry David Head of Personnel 01:04 27.1 216.1 0 11.6667 49.9734
Victor Guzlenok Station Engineer Head Revolutionary 01:10 0 190.3 0 30.3956 0
Victor Guzlenok Station Engineer Head Revolutionary 01:12 0 187.8 0 25.0623 0
Victor Guzlenok Station Engineer Head Revolutionary 01:14 0 97.6 49.5 54 0
Porter Focell Xenoarchaeologist 01:15 100 0 20 88.6666 0
Richard Kanaga default 01:19 0 0 0 200 0
Maria Podolski Captain 01:25 17.2 40 0 0.666667 70
Maria Podolski Captain 01:29 17.2 40 0 0.666667 70
Derreck Milne Paramedic Revolutionary 01:32 55.2 133 0 20.6667 0
Grigory Menshik Blueshield Officer 01:33 23.8 169.9 4 22.6667 0
Lim Al-Kuds Assistant 01:34 0 0 0 0 0
Derreck Milne Paramedic Revolutionary 01:37 65.4 159 4 0 6.17778
Raymond Gronko Recycler 01:37 149 72 0 2.66667 0
Judite Vickqmare Medical Intern Revolutionary 01:39 0 176 0 50.6667 0