63308 - 01:43 - Box Station - Traitor - lose - game.taucetistation.org:2506
    • Traitor
    • Suemori-san
    • aezukla
    • Assassinate M'ark M'rshan, the Roboticist. FAIL
    • Assassinate M'ark M'rshan, the Roboticist. FAIL
    • Stay alive until the end. FAIL
    • Do not allow any organic lifeforms to escape on the shuttle alive. FAIL
    • Всего ТК - 0
    • Потрачено ТК - 0
  • Traitor
  • Porter Focell
  • ro2tcrab
  • Download important data from the telecommunications hub to the disk provided to you. FAIL
  • Steal a hand teleporter. FAIL
  • Assassinate Antony Hill, the Blueshield Officer. FAIL
  • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. FAIL
  • Всего ТК - 20
  • Потрачено ТК - 20
Предмет Стоимость
Syndicate drone 14
Cryptographic Sequencer 6
  • Steal a piece of corgi meat. SUCCESS
  • Stay alive until the end. SUCCESS
  • Всего ТК - 28
  • Потрачено ТК - 10
Предмет Стоимость
Fake Bureucracy Set 4
Cryptographic Sequencer 6
  • Steal a Research Director's teleport armor. FAIL
  • Stay alive until the end. FAIL
  • Всего ТК - 20
  • Потрачено ТК - 20
Предмет Стоимость
Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash 1
Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash 1
Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash 1
Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash 1
Cryptographic Sequencer 6
Energy Sword (28% off!) 5
EMP Implant 3
Composition C-4 1
Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash 1
  • Traitor
  • M'ark M'rshan
  • morkleb
  • Make an example of Harry David, the Security Officer. Break one of their bones, detach one of their limbs or disfigure their face. Make sure they're alive when you do it. SUCCESS
  • Make an example of Lim Al-Kuds, the Warden. Break one of their bones, detach one of their limbs or disfigure their face. Make sure they're alive when you do it. SUCCESS
  • Stay alive until the end. SUCCESS
  • Всего ТК - 20
  • Потрачено ТК - 20
Предмет Стоимость
Syndicate Encryption Key 2
EMP Grenades (60% off!) 2
Syndicate Encryption Key 2
Energy Sword 7
EMP Implant 3
Chameleon Kit 2
Chameleon Kit 2

Borer Hivemind
Имя Профессия Роль
Kelvin Moore Head of Personnel
Henry Eckhardstein Security Officer
Vitaly Popinachenko Assistant
RCS Chief Engineer
Valeriy Milev Technical Assistant
Ra'sir Saris Atmospheric Technician
Judith Paramedic
Richard White Captain
Sav'vir Salvani Cargo Technician
syndicate drone (226) Cyborg
John Anderson Security Cadet
Antony Hill Blueshield Officer
Olen Oppenheimer Security Cadet
Harry David Security Officer
Deimfords Kendesand Head of Security
Jesus Exery Chief Medical Officer Traitor
Alexander Howard Assistant Traitor
Yod AI
Miley Bobik Security Cadet
Vinny Wheeler Roboticist
Javier Reichard Detective
Salvador Chauvin Clown
M'ark M'rshan Roboticist Traitor
Lim Al-Kuds Warden
Raymond Gronko Recycler
Porter Focell Xenoarchaeologist Traitor
Suemori-san AI Traitor
Dossee Phobis Internal Affairs Agent
Archont Shaft Miner
Robert Rozenberg Security Officer
PKP-827 Cyborg
Francisco Kelly Chaplain
Lilliana White Bartender
Erwin Diring Internal Affairs Agent
Derreck Milne Medical Doctor
Danny Roby Recycler
Nami Riptide Janitor
Jesus Christ MODE Wizard
Calvin Wilson Security Officer
Judite Vickqmare Botanist
Robert Whiskey Quartermaster
Vladimir Kazak Security Officer
Tener Kobin Assistant
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
RCS Chief Engineer 00:26 0.9 390.3 0 0 70
Kelvin Moore Head of Personnel 00:40 21.5 0 0 181 0
Richard White Captain 00:41 0 0 0 0 0
Raymond Gronko Recycler 00:46 0 0 0 0 0
Miley Bobik Security Cadet 00:56 480 0 0 0.666667 0
Zachary Gettemy Cyborg 00:57 30 280 0 0 0
Jesus Exery Chief Medical Officer Traitor 01:02 0 111 55 34.6667 0
Miley Bobik Security Cadet 01:04 413 0 0 0.166667 71.1466
Miley Bobik Security Cadet 01:06 305.5 0 0 0.166667 71.1466
Miley Bobik Security Cadet 01:10 187.5 0 8 6.66667 71.1466
PKP-827 Cyborg 01:13 172.5 0 0 0 0
Kelvin Moore Head of Personnel 01:14 189.5 0 2 9.33333 13.7422
Porter Focell Xenoarchaeologist Traitor 01:15 0 0 0 0 0
Jesus Christ MODE Wizard 01:39 37.5 189 0 6.66667 0