63284 - 01:13 - Box Station - Traitor - lose - game.taucetistation.org:2506
    • Traitor
    • Captain's Spare
    • maleyvich
    • Assassinate Harry David, the Chief Engineer. FAIL
    • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. FAIL
    • Всего ТК - 28
    • Потрачено ТК - 28
    Предмет Стоимость
    High Explosive Mine 3
    TR-8-R Revolver 8
    Syndicate Soap 1
    TR-8-R Revolver 8
    Syndicate Medical Small Kit 2
    Armor Set 4
    Speedloader-.357 2
  • Traitor
  • Ade'Shin Ash'Mari
  • drakon973
  • Steal a captain's jetpack. FAIL
  • Steal the station blueprints. FAIL
  • Steal the captain's antique laser gun. FAIL
  • Stay alive until the end. FAIL
  • Всего ТК - 20
  • Потрачено ТК - 0
  • Steal a captain's jetpack. SUCCESS
  • Stay alive until the end. SUCCESS
  • Всего ТК - 20
  • Потрачено ТК - 0
  • Download important data from the telecommunications hub to the disk provided to you. FAIL
  • Make an example of Derreck Milne, the Quartermaster. Break one of their bones, detach one of their limbs or disfigure their face. Make sure they're alive when you do it. FAIL
  • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. FAIL
  • Всего ТК - 28
  • Потрачено ТК - 16
Предмет Стоимость
Chameleon Kit 2
Stechkin Pistol 6
9mm Handgun Magazine 1
Syndicate Space Suit 4
EMP Implant 3

Имя Профессия Роль
Ra'sir Saris Atmospheric Technician
Ade'Shin Ash'Mari Paramedic Traitor
Nat Falco Station Engineer Traitor
Richard White Head of Security
Trent Clarke Chief Medical Officer
Harry David Chief Engineer Traitor
Derreck Milne Quartermaster
George Gray Station Engineer
Salvador Chauvin Station Engineer
Captain's Spare Clown Traitor
Carson Briner Research Assistant
Soninha Castro Medical Intern
Kira Ryunosuke Blueshield Officer
S'shara Ve'ssa Station Engineer
Nicolas Highlands Internal Affairs Agent
Raphael Mortland Medical Intern
Konstantin Zero Technical Assistant
Uvash Cheese Recycler
Re'Morri Kharra Botanist
Judite Vickqmare Botanist
Peter Edwards Bartender
Kirill Kvasha Chef
Kristina Albright Scientist
Silvano Poletti Roboticist
Adolf Firefield Medical Doctor
Maxwell Stone Technical Assistant
MIW-474 Cyborg
Keegan Pratt Chaplain
Valeriy Milev Head of Personnel
Evil Magus MODE Wizard
Erwin Diring Security Officer
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Derreck Milne Quartermaster 00:18 78 116.1 0 9.33333 0
Erwin Diring Security Officer 00:20 108.8 86.8 0 4.66667 0
Nicolas Highlands Internal Affairs Agent 00:23 0 0 0 0 0
Kira Ryunosuke Blueshield Officer 00:26 70 136 1 24 20
Erwin Diring Security Officer 00:37 55.2 63 0 4.66667 70
Harry David Chief Engineer Traitor 00:44 0 138 1 61 0
Captain's Spare Clown Traitor 00:50 0 152.5 0 6.66667 0
Captain's Spare Clown Traitor 00:53 0 152.3 0 3.66667 5.69774
Captain's Spare Clown Traitor 00:53 0 152.1 0 3.66667 5.69774
Captain's Spare Clown Traitor 00:53 0 150.4 0 3.16667 5.69774
George Gray Station Engineer 00:57 69 122.9 6.6 4 0
Raphael Mortland Medical Intern 00:57 63.6 132.3 5.4 1.33333 0
S'shara Ve'ssa Station Engineer 00:57 49.1 141.5 9.075 7 0
Keegan Pratt Chaplain 01:00 144.7 50 0 5.33333 0
Maxwell Stone Technical Assistant 01:01 116.1 37.4 0 56 0
Kirill Kvasha Chef 01:01 145 35.8 0 19.3333 0
Danny Hooker default 01:02 0 0 23 177 0
Javier Priebe default 01:02 0 0 0 200 0
Richard White Head of Security 01:03 157.5 0 40 4.33333 0
unknown default 01:07 0 0 0 0 0
Ra'sir Saris Atmospheric Technician 01:08 0 0 74.6245 126.015 0
Nat Falco Station Engineer Traitor 01:12 0 192.9 0 7.33333 0