63271 - 01:55 - Box Station - Traitor - lose - game.taucetistation.org:2506
    • Traitor
    • Victor Guzlenok
    • dezlt
    • Sabotage the R&D servers and systems. Insert the diskette you were given into the R&D Server Controller to complete the objective. SUCCESS
    • Download important data from the telecommunications hub to the disk provided to you. FAIL
    • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. SUCCESS
    • Всего ТК - 28
    • Потрачено ТК - 27
    Предмет Стоимость
    TR-8-R Revolver 8
    Adrenaline Implant 6
    Armor Set 4
    TR-8-R Revolver 8
    Full Syndicate Toolbox 1
  • Steal the golden fire extinguisher. SUCCESS
  • Sabotage the R&D servers and systems. Insert the diskette you were given into the R&D Server Controller to complete the objective. SUCCESS
  • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. SUCCESS
  • Всего ТК - 20
  • Потрачено ТК - 6
Предмет Стоимость
Syndicate Encryption Key 2
Agent Identification card 4

Имя Профессия Роль
Richard White Head of Security
Gunter Bergerwolf Assistant
Tener Kobin Chef
Judite Vickqmare Botanist
Willy Jackson Research Director Traitor
George AI
Lim Al-Kuds Assistant
Kelvin Moore Assistant
Derreck Milne Quartermaster
Victor Guzlenok Station Engineer Traitor
Komarik Clown
Soninha Castro Medical Intern
Kane Thompson Warden
Henry Eckhardstein Station Engineer
Judith Medical Doctor
Re'Morri Kharra Botanist
Skye Lux Security Officer
Lavr Chibisov Shaft Miner
Ra'arsh Jar'shir Station Engineer
Salvador Diaz Chaplain
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Salvador Diaz Chaplain 00:18 0 0 0 0 0
Soninha Castro Medical Intern 00:33 0 129 73 0 0
Komarik Clown 00:37 0 105 44 52.1667 0
Richard White Head of Security 00:41 61.8 150 1 4.33333 70
Victor Guzlenok Station Engineer Traitor 01:12 10 292 0 6.66667 0