63236 - 01:46 - Box Station - Revolution - win - game.taucetistation.org:2506
  • Capture, convert or exile from station Valeriy Milev, the Head of Personnel. Assassinate if you have no choice. SUCCESS
  • Capture, convert or exile from station Shon Bean, the Captain. Assassinate if you have no choice. SUCCESS
  • Capture, convert or exile from station Dell Conrad, the Chief Engineer. Assassinate if you have no choice. SUCCESS
    • Всего ТК - 9
    • Потрачено ТК - 0
  • Head Revolutionary
  • Mart'a Sarah
  • thingspings
  • Всего ТК - 18
  • Потрачено ТК - 0
  • Revolutionary
  • Alfredo Howe
  • nelyud
  • Head Revolutionary
  • Alexander Newbern
  • reditt
  • Всего ТК - 1
  • Потрачено ТК - 0

    • Traitor
    • Qrqwqoo Qoo'xiqrqrrmuu
    • nasend
    • Steal the captain's antique laser gun. SUCCESS
    • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. SUCCESS
    • Всего ТК - 20
    • Потрачено ТК - 18
    Предмет Стоимость
    Compressed Implant 7
    Freedom Implant 5
    Chameleon-Projector 5
    Sy-Code Book 1

  • Накопите 5000 очков FAIL
Cult Of Blood
  • Cultist
  • Proteon (193)
  • ruraga

Имя Профессия Роль
Alexander Newbern Assistant Head Revolutionary
Qrqwqoo Qoo'xiqrqrrmuu Medical Doctor Traitor
Kane Ayron Station Engineer
Loreto Schrader Security Officer
Isaiah Vader Medical Doctor
Robert Rozenberg Blueshield Officer
S'shaar Jashva Cyborg
Basia Belova Quartermaster
Harry David Scientist
Ra'arsh Jar'shir Chef
Maxwell Stone Assistant
Clark Shaner Librarian
Phoenix Redd Security Officer
Willy Jackson Research Director
Alan Smart Security Officer
Shalaby Sadi'ki Paramedic
Erwin Diring Security Officer
Terminus AI
Maximus Stone Shaft Miner Head Revolutionary
Mart'a Sarah Station Engineer Head Revolutionary
Kira Ryunosuke Security Officer
Re'Morri Kharra Technical Assistant
Valeriy Milev Head of Personnel
Judite Vickqmare Botanist
Shon Bean Captain
Mime Mime
Alfredo Howe Chef Revolutionary
Carson Briner Assistant Revolutionary
Sachie Thomas Technical Assistant
Roy Crimson Warden
Grandpa Mull Paramedic
Vladimir Rasputin Chaplain
Silvano Poletti Internal Affairs Agent
Maximus Stone Recycler
William Hoopengarner Security Cadet
Kelvin Moore Assistant
Francisco Kelly Forensic Technician
mimic MODE
Wizard The Unbenannt MODE Wizard
Dell Conrad Chief Engineer
Jay Rider Research Assistant
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Re'Morri Kharra Technical Assistant 01:36 64.4 96 40 1.33333 0
Carson Briner Assistant Revolutionary 01:37 0 201.7 0 4 0
Francisco Kelly Forensic Technician 01:37 70.8 0 0 151.667 0
Alan Smart Security Officer 01:38 12.8 189.8 0 0 0
Re'Morri Kharra Technical Assistant 01:39 0 0 40 0 70
Alan Smart Security Officer 01:41 38.1 242.5 0 3 17.6622
Francisco Kelly Forensic Technician 01:41 70.6 0 0 130.833 34.6933
Denholm Rader default 01:43 143.9 0 0 58 0
Mime Mime 01:46 22 0 0 181 0