62963 - 01:46 - Box Station - Shadowling - lose - game.taucetistation.org:2506
  • Ascend to your true form by use of the Ascendance ability. This may only be used with 50% of crew as collective thralls, while hatched, and is unlocked with the Collective Mind ability. FAIL
    • Shadowling
    • Qrqwqoo Qoo'xiqrqrrmuu
    • nasend

    • Steal the captain's pinpointer. FAIL
    • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. FAIL
    • Всего ТК - 20
    • Потрачено ТК - 20
    Предмет Стоимость
    Energy Sword 7
    Energy Sword 7
    Adrenaline Implant 6
  • Traitor
  • Slave
  • goeq
  • Assassinate Binni Wilson, the Recycler. FAIL
  • Steal an ablative armor vest. FAIL
  • Stay alive until the end. SUCCESS
  • Всего ТК - 20
  • Потрачено ТК - 0

Alien Hivemind
  • Улей должен жить и размножаться. Ваша численность должна превосходить экипаж станции в 1.9 раз. FAIL
    • Xenomorph
    • alien facehugger (735)
    • tobybon
  • Xenomorph
  • alien facehugger (317)
  • tobybon
  • Xenomorph
  • alien drone (740)
  • tobybon
  • Xenomorph
  • alien hunter (70)
  • soxela
  • Xenomorph
  • alien larva (264)
  • ubiman
  • Xenomorph
  • alien facehugger (924)
  • ubiman
  • Xenomorph
  • alien facehugger (928)
  • soxela
  • Xenomorph
  • alien larva (998)
  • ubiman

Имя Профессия Роль
Ra'arsh Jar'shir Forensic Technician
Dossee Phobis Bartender
Cali Auman Paramedic
Frank Lloyd Chaplain
Goodwin Rockwell Chef
Grego Sanitar Security Cadet
Qvlovriam Wouvqu-uuwm Security Cadet
Oleg Osetrov Station Engineer
Marcus Knapp Warden
Andrei Valerievich Assistant
Putr Butunin Shaft Miner
Bradley Duncan Botanist
Gannon Davis Chemist
Robert Rozenberg Blueshield Officer
Smoke Sholl Security Officer
August Hincken Assistant Thrall
Reinhard Shternau Chief Engineer
Salvador Chauvin Security Officer
Pombe Kwabena Librarian
Harry David Quartermaster
Deimfords Kendesand Head of Security
Ramon Anderson Cyborg
Gennady Whiteman Captain
Cocker Clown
Calvin Wilson Technical Assistant Thrall
Trent Clarke Chief Medical Officer Thrall
Sivean Doulson Shaft Miner
Ariana Hice Medical Intern
Tony Xegarty Station Engineer
Max Russell Cargo Technician
Sharak'Dakhar Rashin Security Officer
Skye Lux Security Officer
Riley D'Aubigne Station Engineer
KA-ban Assistant
Kirill Isaev Head of Personnel Thrall
Karen Roberts Internal Affairs Agent
Basia Belova Internal Affairs Agent
Soninha Castro Medical Intern
Ivory Howard Station Engineer
Lain Mayer Medical Doctor
Judith Paramedic
Roy Crimson Security Officer
Venyamin Benistro Assistant
Shashna Rish Scientist
Ade'Shin Ash'Mari Scientist Thrall
Binni Wilson Recycler
James Martins Mime
Nat Falco Assistant
Aristarch Harrison Medical Doctor
Sergey Dzerzhinsky Detective
Soof'ik Zanseus Assistant
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Skye Lux Security Officer 00:30 203 0 0 1.33333 70
Smoke Sholl Security Officer 00:31 203 3.8 0 15 20
Richard Frank Janitor Shadowling 00:32 0 0 0 0 0
Smoke Sholl Security Officer 00:36 170.4 0 0 38 140
Smoke Sholl Security Officer 00:37 166 20.7 0 16.5 140
Deimfords Kendesand Head of Security 00:37 4.4 208 0 1.33333 0
Calvin Wilson Technical Assistant Thrall 00:38 40.6 168 0 34.3333 0
Deimfords Kendesand Head of Security 00:40 21.8 159 0 19.2 13.44
Deimfords Kendesand Head of Security 00:41 33.8 124 0 42.2 13.44
Deimfords Kendesand Head of Security 00:42 31.3 64.2 0 104.5 13.44
Calvin Wilson Technical Assistant Thrall 00:47 0.9 0 0 199.333 50.8622
Charles Moore default 01:04 0 0 0 200 0
Bradley Duncan Botanist 01:11 46 0 26 0 0
Grego Sanitar Security Cadet 01:29 203 0 0 4.33333 70
Ade'Shin Ash'Mari Scientist Thrall 01:35 0 210.6 0 23.3333 0
Qrqwqoo Qoo'xiqrqrrmuu Research Director Shadowling 01:37 0 91.3 0 0 0
Slave Trader default 01:41 0 234 0 3.66667 70
Ra'arsh Jar'shir Forensic Technician 01:44 40.8 0 28 15 0