62921 - 01:55 - Box Station - Cult Of Blood - win - game.taucetistation.org:2506
Cult Of Blood
  • Призовите Нар-Си с помощью ритуала с пьедесталами на станции. SUCCESS
  • Заполучите 13 человек в подчинение культа, живыми или мёртвыми. SUCCESS
  • Должно дожить не менее 6 последователей до конца этой смены. SUCCESS
  • Захватите не менее 5 отсеков станции с помощью руны захвата зон. SUCCESS
  • Культ нуждается в 2 последователях, являющихся Station Engineer. SUCCESS
  • Cultist
  • Grego Sanitar
  • ubiman
  • Cultist
  • Harvester (753)
  • pufikc
  • Cultist
  • Artificer (188)
  • illerk
  • Cultist
  • Harvester (553)
  • pufikc
  • Cultist
  • Juggernaut (141)
  • pufikc

    • Assassinate Qrqwqoo Qoo'xiqrqrrmuu, the Research Director. SUCCESS
    • Assassinate Deimfords Kendesand, the Head of Security. SUCCESS
    • Stay alive until the end. SUCCESS
    • Всего ТК - 0
    • Потрачено ТК - 0

Имя Профессия Роль
Solveig Potter Virologist
Tener Kobin Bartender
B.Y.O.N.D. Head of Personnel
Salvador Chauvin Station Engineer Cultist
Frank Lloyd Chaplain
Trent Clarke Chief Medical Officer
Ak'ill Rar'shir Paramedic Cultist
Sophia Pilarez Atmospheric Technician
Gavin Begum Assistant
Jonathan Engrid Paramedic Cultist
Bradley Duncan Assistant Cultist
Ace Nolone Shaft Miner
Deimfords Kendesand Head of Security
Antony Hill Blueshield Officer
Qrqwqoo Qoo'xiqrqrrmuu Research Director
Pombe Kwabena Scientist
Grego Sanitar Security Officer Cultist
Richard White Security Officer
Nicolas Highlands Captain
Doohan Barkon Station Engineer Cultist
Philip Mull Cyborg
Robert Rozenberg Security Cadet
Benedict Santiago Station Engineer
Ronnie Pace Clown
Joseph Dreyfus Security Officer
Kirill Isaev Medical Doctor Cultist
Eddie Thompson Roboticist Cultist
Vlad Wallman Medical Intern
Judith Assistant
Basia Belova Internal Affairs Agent
Reinhard Shternau Warden
Smoke Thomas Assistant Cultist
Helga Bronzebeard Shaft Miner
Ade'Shin Ash'Mari Scientist
Alex Patterson Barber
Dossee Phobis Internal Affairs Agent
Zed Murray Detective
Lain Mayer Medical Doctor
Stas Zhorov Quartermaster
Antonio Stewart Medical Doctor
Vitaly Shevchenko Security Cadet
Ariana Hice Medical Intern Cultist
Stepan Borsykov Assistant
Putr Butunin Recycler
James Miller Assistant Cultist
Jesus Exery Medical Doctor
Alen Black Assistant
Konstantin Stezchen Assistant
Alan Wood Chef
Maks Maksbetov Medical Intern
Marceau Mime
Gannon Davis Security Officer
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Robert Rozenberg Security Cadet 01:32 11 3.3 0 55 0
Gannon Davis Security Officer 01:37 0 239.6 1 7.33333 20
Philip Mull Cyborg 01:37 25 276.36 0 0 0
Deimfords Kendesand Head of Security 01:38 3 194.2 1 3.33333 0
Joseph Dreyfus Security Officer 01:39 221.3 0 0 0.333333 70
Kirill Isaev Medical Doctor Cultist 01:40 10 249.7 0 4.33333 0
Joseph Dreyfus Security Officer 01:42 241.2 0 0 3.16667 140
Quinton Saylor default 01:42 0 0 61 140.333 0
Joseph Dreyfus Security Officer 01:43 228.6 0 0 0.666667 140
Joseph Dreyfus Security Officer 01:43 228 0 0 0.666667 140
Gannon Davis Security Officer 01:47 0 91.1 1 7.33333 70
Gavin Begum Assistant 01:47 0 0 0 6 0
James Miller Assistant Cultist 01:49 0 0 0 0 0
Reinhard Shternau Warden 01:50 0 132 66 3.33333 0
Marceau Mime 01:52 0 0 0 0 0
Maks Maksbetov Medical Intern 01:53 0 0 0 0 0
Alan Wood Chef 01:53 0 0 0 0 0
Qrqwqoo Qoo'xiqrqrrmuu Research Director 01:53 200 15 2 11 0
Ade'Shin Ash'Mari Scientist 01:53 175 32.4 0 8 20
Antony Hill Blueshield Officer 01:53 0 2.6 0 0 0
Trent Clarke Chief Medical Officer 01:53 7 0 0 24 0
Nicolas Highlands Captain 01:54 72.1 100 15 20.6667 0
Zed Murray Detective 01:54 50 12.1 1 0 0
Jesus Exery Medical Doctor 01:54 137.1 0 2 61.1667 0
Ronnie Pace Clown 01:55 245 6 0 1.33333 0
Antonio Stewart Medical Doctor 01:55 82 91.7 0 27.7696 0