62904 - 03:10 - Falcon Station - Extended - win - game.taucetistation.org:2506
Vox Shoal
  • Ransack the station and escape with 20 plasteel. SUCCESS
  • We are lacking in hardware. Steal an ion rifle. SUCCESS
  • The Shoal has a need for Sophia Pilarez, the Station Engineer. Take them alive. SUCCESS
  • Do not leave any Vox behind, alive or dead. SUCCESS
  • Follow the Inviolate. Minimise death and loss of resources. SUCCESS

Имя Профессия Роль
Roman Durstine Chief Engineer
Sophia Pilarez Station Engineer
Kylee Bowchiew Bartender
Joseph Dreyfus Chief Medical Officer
Tener Kobin Recycler
Wilhelm Himer Shaft Miner
Dossee Phobis Medical Doctor
Maks Maksbetov Assistant
Gavin Begum Assistant
Nicolas Highlands Research Director
Saul Winton Assistant
Boris Sikorsky Technical Assistant
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Joseph Dreyfus Chief Medical Officer 02:18 126.9 0 4 70.6667 0
unknown MODE Vox Raider 02:29 0 192.7 0 7.33333 0
Drake Brown default 02:30 214.5 0 0 3.33333 70
Tener Kobin Recycler 02:31 0 212 0 3.66667 0
Kylee Bowchiew Bartender 02:44 0 100 1 99.3332 0
Kylee Bowchiew Bartender 03:09 20 0 21 159.303 3.88438