62862 - 01:52 - Box Station - Extended - win - game.taucetistation.org:2506
Cult Of Blood
  • Cultist
  • Harvester (880)
  • foxiq

Имя Профессия Роль
Siras Ris'ar Blueshield Officer
Maria Podolski Chief Medical Officer
Olen Oppenheimer Research Director
Dean Enderly Cyborg
Zero Cyborg
Joe Williams Detective
Reinhard Shternau Roboticist
Azzy-13 AI
George Gray Head of Security
Putr Butunin Chef
Basia Belova Captain
Sophia Pilorez Psychiatrist
Maxwell Stone Assistant
Eleosa Laskari Paramedic
Shen'Sheng De-Long Security Officer
KieOlEt Chief Engineer
Byron Wilkinson Head of Personnel
Garry Dunn Station Engineer
Hlopets Clown
S'shaar Jashva Shaft Miner
Skye Lux Security Officer
Montague Biery Assistant
Roman Durstine Atmospheric Technician
Osoaviakhim Chaplain
Alexander Richards Mime
SINA-877 Cyborg
Rosa Mailston Assistant
Unbelievable God Cyborg
Gannon Davis Assistant
John McCullough Assistant
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Maxwell Stone Assistant 00:32 146 0 0 54.6667 0
S'shaar Jashva Shaft Miner 00:38 103 91.5 11 0 0
Maxwell Stone Assistant 01:37 20 0 40 107 0
Shen'Sheng De-Long Security Officer 01:38 0 0 200 0 0
Maria Podolski Chief Medical Officer 01:45 0 0 200 0 0