62770 - 01:43 - Box Station - Imposter - lose - game.taucetistation.org:2506
    • Steal a functional AI. FAIL
    • Steal the hypospray. FAIL
    • Steal the station blueprints. FAIL
    • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. FAIL
  • Imposter
  • Cody Laprar
  • hyda
  • Steal the station blueprints. FAIL
  • Steal a nasa voidsuit. FAIL
  • Steal a piece of corgi meat. FAIL
  • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. FAIL
  • Imposter
  • S'shara Ve'ssa
  • leroygarn
  • Assassinate Olen Oppenheimer, the Research Director. FAIL
  • Steal a functional AI. FAIL
  • Steal the hypospray. FAIL
  • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. SUCCESS
  • Assassinate Alexis Jesse, the Assistant. FAIL
  • Assassinate Derreck Milne, the Paramedic. FAIL

Vox Shoal
  • Ransack the station and escape with 30 plasteel. FAIL
  • Do not leave any Vox behind, alive or dead. FAIL
  • Follow the Inviolate. Minimise death and loss of resources. FAIL

Borer Hivemind
    • Cortical Borer
    • Primary 9808
    • ruraga
    • Survive in a host until the end of the round. SUCCESS
    • Reproduce at least once. SUCCESS
    • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. FAIL
  • Survive in a host until the end of the round. SUCCESS
  • Reproduce at least once. FAIL
  • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. SUCCESS
  • Cortical Borer
  • Secondary 5697
  • wwaw97
  • Survive in a host until the end of the round. FAIL
  • Reproduce at least once. FAIL
  • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. FAIL

Имя Профессия Роль
Maximus Quinn Quartermaster
Olen Oppenheimer Research Director
Max Russell Cargo Technician
Komarik Mime
Cory Drag Xenobiologist
Derreck Milne Paramedic
Deimfords Kendesand Head of Security
Ramon Anderson Blueshield Officer
George Gray Security Officer
Salvador Chauvin Security Officer
Jeb Reichard Assistant
Anastasia Tankova Virologist
Shen'Sheng De-Long Security Officer
Gavin Begum Shaft Miner
Kirill Golovkin Medical Doctor
Nick Sallem Assistant
Adolph Nastain Bartender
Ivan Huga Scientist
Harry Willson Assistant
Alexis Jesse Assistant
Radu Kislov Chef
Warren Clyde Botanist
William Swabey Roboticist
Jonathan Armstrong Recycler
ELLY Chief Medical Officer
Nikita Komarov Clown
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Komarik Mime 00:19 71.1 0 0 129 0
Mobi the White Carp Animal Wizard 00:41 0 78 19 103.333 0
Cody Laprar Station Engineer Imposter 00:46 82.8 113.1 0 6.33333 0
Maximus Quinn Quartermaster 00:46 82.8 116.2 0 4 0
Komarik Mime 00:51 0 0 22 179.333 5.03112
Harry Willson Assistant 00:52 0 192 0 8.66667 0
Cody Laprar Station Engineer Imposter 00:52 111.5 116 0 0.666667 55.2178
Mobi the White Carp Animal Wizard 00:53 0 90.5 0 111.316 22.9333
Fin MacDucke Medical Doctor Imposter 00:53 24.4 138.5 0 40.5606 0
Nick Sallem Assistant 00:58 0 96 0 105.07 0
Olen Oppenheimer Research Director 01:02 0 0 1 199.393 0
Olen Oppenheimer Research Director 01:09 150.8 0 4 52 31.5556
Alexis Jesse Assistant 01:20 44.4 135.9 15 49.6667 0
Olen Oppenheimer Research Director 01:22 0 0 58 142.667 56.6578
Giant Armoured Snake default 01:28 0 0 0 0 70
Gorlex Maradeurs Operative MODE Solo Nuclear Operative 01:29 0 0 0 17.5 0
unknown MODE Vox Raider 01:35 0 0 0 200 0