62748 - 01:42 - Box Station - Wizard - lose - game.taucetistation.org:2506
Wizard Federation
    • Wizard
    • Adolph III Anux
    • therisy
    • Assassinate Ra'arsh Jar'shir, the Forensic Technician. FAIL
    • Steal the golden fire extinguisher. FAIL
    • Stay alive until the end. SUCCESS

    • Steal the captain's pinpointer. FAIL
    • Stay alive until the end. SUCCESS
    • Всего ТК - 20
    • Потрачено ТК - 6
    Предмет Стоимость
    Cryptographic Sequencer 6
  • Traitor
  • Gannon Davis
  • fasy
  • Assassinate George Gray, the Head of Security. FAIL
  • Steal an ablative armor vest. FAIL
  • Sabotage the R&D servers and systems. Insert the diskette you were given into the R&D Server Controller to complete the objective. FAIL
  • Stay alive until the end. FAIL
  • Всего ТК - 20
  • Потрачено ТК - 20
Предмет Стоимость
Adrenaline Implant 6
Energy Sword 7
Thermal Imaging Glasses 5
No-Slip Brown Shoes 1
Composition C-4 1
  • Traitor
  • Reuben Shafer
  • yazhenya
  • Steal the captain's antique laser gun. FAIL
  • Make an example of Jay Bouchiu, the Head of Personnel. Break one of their bones, detach one of their limbs or disfigure their face. Make sure they're alive when you do it. SUCCESS
  • Steal an ablative armor vest. FAIL
  • Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. FAIL
  • Всего ТК - 20
  • Потрачено ТК - 20
Предмет Стоимость
EMP Implant 3
Adrenaline Implant 6
Stechkin Pistol 6
Armor Set 4
No-Slip Brown Shoes 1

Имя Профессия Роль
Ra'sir Saris Security Officer
Olen Oppenheimer Research Director
Gannon Davis Assistant Traitor
Pombe Kwabena Research Assistant
Brayden Snyder Assistant
Allen Roberts Assistant
Venyamin Benistro Security Officer
Anastasia Tankova Security Officer
Max Russell Recycler
Ylaya Shioya Medical Doctor
Ethan Fosforovich Station Engineer
Reuben Shafer Station Engineer Traitor
George Gray Head of Security
Carl Reid Security Officer
Jack Brown Chief Engineer
Ivan Huga Recycler
Ra'arsh Jar'shir Forensic Technician
Alex Patterson Cargo Technician Traitor
Adolph III Anux MODE Wizard
Egor Ivanovich Assistant
Kane Holmes Xenoarchaeologist
Vladimir Klunman Assistant
Skharr Noor Medical Doctor
KA-ban Assistant
Sa'ar Whiteman Janitor
Jay Bouchiu Head of Personnel
Antonio Stewart Medical Doctor
Moises Williams Research Assistant
Kirill Golovkin Chaplain
Pocket Clown
Ivy Nash Chemist
Vicul Madlay Quartermaster
Crush Nehling Xenoarchaeologist
Имя Профессия Роль Время смерти BRUTE BURN TOXIN OXY BRAIN
Alex Patterson Cargo Technician Traitor 00:37 159.7 0 0 45.3333 0
Ethan Fosforovich Station Engineer 00:43 0.8 0 178 21.3333 0
Ethan Fosforovich Station Engineer 00:47 0.4 0 199 0.666667 21.7689
Alex Patterson Cargo Technician Traitor 00:50 0 0 0 200 32.8444
Olen Oppenheimer Research Director 00:50 125 0 6 70.6667 0
Olen Oppenheimer Research Director 00:54 125 0 6 69.1667 14.8622
Reuben Shafer Station Engineer Traitor 00:57 90 0 13 101.167 0
Anastasia Tankova Security Officer 00:57 50 0 50 108 0
Anastasia Tankova Security Officer 00:58 50 0 55.5 96.6666 0
Anastasia Tankova Security Officer 01:06 23.2 0.8 76 105 0
Reuben Shafer Station Engineer Traitor 01:08 90 0 11 103.333 44.3734
Reuben Shafer Station Engineer Traitor 01:09 90 0 17.5 94.3329 44.3734
Anastasia Tankova Security Officer 01:12 42.4 2.8 125 34 47.1111
Gannon Davis Assistant Traitor 01:34 17.2 81.9 10 92 0
Gannon Davis Assistant Traitor 01:41 0 136.6 38 26 55.1111